Sunday, April 29, 2012

Marriage in 50 Years

     One thing that I have noticed in past five years is how much younger people are getting married.  It seems like a lot of young adults, even at the age of eighteen get married right away.  Normally I wouldn't really care or think anything of it, but divorce rates have drastically gone up in recent years as well.  This leads me to believe that it's only going to get worse as the years roll on until people make changes.  The problem is everyone is free to make whatever decisions they want to make, and that is completely their decision to make.  Yet I believe that divorce rates are going to be insanely high in the next fifty years. 
     I feel that young adults rush into a marriage these days with not knowing what they are really getting themselves into.  You have to really know how life is going to change for you, and your significant other.  I have had friends that were younger than me already get married and then only last no more a year before they decided separate and get a divorce since it wasn't working.  It's things like this that make marriage seem like it means nothing to people, and it makes me wonder if marriage is even special anymore with people taking advantage of it.  It needs to stop before marriage is just seen as one big joke in our society.

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