Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chapter Concept: Trust

I chose the concept of trust since trust means a lot to me in my morals and values that I hold.  Trust can be defined as two different things that are both very important: 1. To assume emotional reliability with the other, 2. showing that there is confidence in others when it comes to dependability.  The person that I can say I have the utmost trust in is my girlfriend.  She has always been there for me when I needed her, and she has never judged me for choices that I have made for the last three years.  Trust is something that I don't have come naturally with others.  They have to earn my trust by showing me that they want me to be a more open person.  If they show me that they want to have my trust then I know that they are a true friend.  I know they will be there for me when I need them, and I will be there for them if they need me.  It revolves around dependability and reliability for me among other factors.

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