Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 2 Discussion Questions Pt. 2

The old linear model was revised back in 1949 by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver.  When they revised it they added onto the model the factor of noise.  They described it as a factor that causes a loss of information from the source to the destination.  The problems with this model was it portrayed communication as only going one way-from a sender to a passive receiver.

When it comes to the interactive model it portrayed communication as listeners giving feedback, or what is also known as a response.  The model also applies the communication factor of creating and interpreting messages within personal fields of experience.  Basically when fields of experience coincide with each other there is more understanding, and less understanding when they fields don't overlap.

The interactive model can applied in my life with people that I consider my really good friends compared to people that I only see as an acquaintance.  With my friends I'm able to hold a conversation because we all have many things in common.  There is never that awkward silence of not knowing what to say with them unlike people I see as an acquaintance.  Those awkward silences and lack of things in common show me that I cannot really associate myself with this person on a much closer basis than I am with my real friends.

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