Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 3 DQ: Concept

The concept that I decided to choose was self-concept.  Self-concept is defined as a process in which an individual sees him or herself as unique from others and their surroundings.  This is an important concept to me since I believe that everyone is unique from one another.  Even though many of us come from the same race, ethnicity, or religion for examples, we are all independent and unique due to our personality and actions.  Self-concept is made up of four guidelines that need to be followed:

Making a firm commitment to our personal growth: this is where we make a change about our present self.  To achieve this we must be determined to pursue this goal if we want to see the change/s happen.  It takes hard work and dedication to reach our goal if we want it to happen.

Gaining and using knowledge to help support personal growth: the knowledge we gain can either be from good or bad outcomes.  The best way that I can describe this is that whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.  With knowledge that we gain helps us improve our self.

Setting realistic goals: you never want to make goals that are far out of our ability to achieve.  You always want to make them goals that you know will take hard work, but able to achieve at the end of the journey.  To help motivate ourselves it is best to start out with something small before making a bigger life changing goal.

Seeking contexts that help support change:  placing ourselves in a positive setting is very important.  If we set ourselves up in negative setting then we are not helping with our progress to achieve our goal/s.  You want to be around people that are going to support, encourage, and motivate you.  People that don't do these things are only going to slow down your progress, or even stop it altogether.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to comment on your post regarding setting realistic goals. This part was very important to me because I am constantly setting goals and giving myself a timeline. Being a graduating senior, I am planning for graduate school as well as looking for jobs, and on top of that, keeping up with my last semester here. I have to set goals when making sure to put in applications to graduate programs as well as making personal growth goals. They key to keeping every one of your goals is to make sure to make them realistic in the formation of the goal as well as in timing.
