Friday, February 17, 2012


Describing the United States as a melting pot is not really the way I would describe out nation.  When I think melting pot it's everyone that resides in the United States becoming one mind, and one person.  Most of all I feel like it means that there is no individualism when I hear our nation being described as a melting pot.  Jesse Jackson's metaphors were more realistic to say rather than a melting pot since they describe items that include differentiation between one another.  I feel that a better metaphor to describe our nation is a bag of original M&M's.  I say this because we are different on the outside like the different colors in a bag of original M&M's, but we are all Americans on the inside just like all original M&M's taste the same on the inside.  We are a country of different races and cultures that make up what America is.  We shouldn't melt it all together and lose our sense of individualism, but embrace our individualism and know that we are all Americans on the inside.

1 comment:

  1. Hello NinerPride. I really liked your M&M's metaphor you came up with to describe our country. I think it's really clever and very appropriate. I definitely agree that on the outside, everyone is unique and different, but on the inside, we are all Americans. Being colorful M&M's embraces the diversity of individual backgrounds, cultures, and personalities, but also recognizes that we are all the same on the inside. Unlike a melting pot metaphor, we do not all have to conform to one identity in order to fit in. I think you did a really great job coming up with your metaphor and explained it perfectly.
