Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week 3 DQ: Race

Race is classified by any many different categories.  These categories include characteristics from our heritage, geographic location and ancestry, ethnicity, and our physical traits.  Race is a common way of identifying people in our society.  Unfortunately, certain people don't always identify people in a good light or mindset.  An example of this can be shown from past events in the world when Nazi empowered Germany believed that they were the most dominant race in the world, and believed all of others were below them.  This was one of many reasons why the world went to war, and why majority of the world fought for other people's freedom.  I want to point out that I do not bring this up to purposely offend anybody by bringing up the Nazi organization, but to only back up my statement that race was not always seen as a good thing in certain people's eyes or beliefs.  Race makes everyone unique in their own certain way, and our individualism makes us even more unique beyond our race.

The United States is a nations of freedom and rights to all American citizens.  We are all seen as equals in our nation's eyes of rights and freedoms.  Citizens of different races join together, and this leads to a lot of us being molded into individuals with multiple races and backgrounds in our make up.  With this being said, I believe that it is fair for the Census Bureau to allow individuals to check multiple races rather than only one.  If we are to only check one race we are only lying to others, but most importantly to ourselves.  It is not fair to our many heritages that a lot of us were grown up to learn and appreciate.  

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