Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 2 Discussion Question Pt. 1

I have been with my girlfriend for about two and a half years now.  Throughout that time we have gone through amazing times as well as some very troubling ones too.  When we first saw each other it was a fourth of July party at a mutual friend's house in our hometown of Los Gatos.  Both us kept on looking at each other, but didn't approach one another until I decided to "man up" and go talk to her.  Once I broke the ice and introduced myself to her and her friends talking to her came very easy.  Before we went our seperate ways we exchanged numbers and continued to communicate by phone until our first date two days later.  Very quickly it went from an I-You situation to an I-Thou communication situation.

Our first date was like any other first date with a potential relationship.  We talked about our favorite things, love for sports (which attracted me to the full capacity with her), where we were born and raised (both from Los Gatos), etc.  We didn't really get into very much personal information until our third date.  That was where I began disclosing personal information a lot of people don't really know about me or my family, except for the few people that I trust in life.  I could tell that I could trust her with the knowledge I was telling since I could see the kind of person she was.  It was mutual feedback from her end too with her disclosing personal information about herself as well.  We dated for a month before we both felt it was the right time to pursue a real relationship.

After being together for this period of time we both realized that we really don't have any topics that we can't discuss between one another.  As I said before we have had our fair share of good times and bad times.  Yet we always got through the bad times by talking it out, and becoming a stronger couple with each issue.  Both of us are very stubborn people and we know we feed off of each other's emotions sometimes.  However, we understand that it takes two to solve a problem and we always end up solving our differences.  I would be lying if I said that we were the same now from when we met, and that's okay with me.  The way I see we make each other stronger and are always there for each other when we need the other.  She is my best friend, and that why I plan on proposing to her in the near future. 


  1. NinerPride408,
    after thinking about this question, the relationship with myself and my boyfriend also come to my mind, other than the relationship with myself and my boss. However, our stories are very different. I had first met my boyfriend at a concert and I had ditched him for another guy at the time. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place and I didnt know what to do. My boyfriend was so mad that I had just left him so from that point, it was simply an "I-You" relationship. After starting to talk again and again, we started to slowly open up to each other and it was so much easier to let those walls down. Just like you and your girlfriend, I also feel like we make each other stronger. We both want each other to succeed in life and being their to support each other through communication and openness definitely helps. Best of luck with you and the proposal! Thats such an exciting step in your lives and i wish you both so much happiness :)

  2. Congratulations on the upcoming engagement! I love seeing people make life long commitments, especially after taking the time to really get to know someone. I think our society does a disservice to our youth by presenting love and relationships as a fairy tale that won’t require any introspection or self-awareness of each of the partners involved. The truth, as you’ve discovered, is that people are just people; imperfect and emotional, lovely and ugly, all at the same time. I think people give up too easily when they hit a rough patch or when they seemingly, aren’t feeling it anymore. You have crossed that threshold of realizing just what a true gift and treasure a partner can really be, when you are mature enough to work through the issues and find the trust that’s needed to build a lasting foundation.

  3. HEY!Aw, it is so cute that you are going to propose to her soon. It is very nice to find someone that you are able to talk to about everything with and solve problems together. It is also funny how you can meet someone that can change your life forever. There is someone that became a very important to me and it was a very I-you relationship. Our friendship was based on our interest in one sport and when that season was over I thought that we would not have anything else to talk about and our friendship would just die. Thankfully that did not happen as we talked about other things in life. The sport brought us together and it also started a wonderful relationship.
