Thursday, January 26, 2012

Introductory Post

Hey there everyone! My name is Mike, but for this course we are partaking on I am known as NinerPride408.  I am Communication Studies major at San Jose State University. If everything goes according to plan I should be done with SJSU by the end of next spring 2013 with my BA. I am a transfer student through West Valley Community College where I received my AA in both Liberal Arts and Communication Studies. I am new to the blogging thing so I am hoping this course will make me for familiar with this whole blogging phase.

I am a huge sports fan, and I am a huge bay area sports fanatic.  My favorite teams are the San Jose Sharks, Golden State Warriors (even though they are really bad), and San Francisco Giants/49er fan (hence my name). My grilfriend (and soon to be fiancee) are current ticket holders of the 49ers, and we have already guaranteed our seats for the new stadium being constructed in Santa Clara. I like to be constantly active in my life since I cannot stand still. This makes being in school very difficult since I don't like sitting down and not moving around. However I understand that getting my degree is a MUST to be able to move in life. On my own time I am a workout freak as well is my girlfriend. I also partake in mix martial arts to also help keep me active and in shape.  The particular martial arts that endulge in are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muy Thai Boxing, and Kickboxing. Some of my favorite shows I enjoy watching are Sportscenter (like that wasn't obvious at this point), Sons of Anarchy, Archer, Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Family Guy, South Park, The Office, and Modern Family.

To finish a little about myself I just want to say that my biggest fear is failing in life, or for that matter in anything.  Even though I can't succeed in everything I know that what I don't succeed only makes me stronger.

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